Friday 28 September 2012

What’s happening in the Gliffaes Garden? End of August to Mid September

What’s happening in the Gliffaes Garden?
End of August to Mid September

Things really start to get interesting in the garden again about now. I wonder if it’s all the rain that has made the first berries so spectacular this year?

Viburnum rhytidophyllum

The Viburnum rhytidophyllum (leather leaf) has been a sight to behold with bright red, almost shiny berries; and a little further West towards the hotel the huge Berberis (parviflora?) is really beginning to make a show. We are not sure exactly what type it is and are still working on it. I guess it was planted when Gliffaes was built or in the early days of Gliffaes around the turn of the last century.

Berberis (parviflora?)

Clerodendron trichotomum
I have been waiting patiently for one of my favourite trees to flower and more importantly to berry….and it’s nearly there – the Clerodendrum trichotomum first gives us small Jasmine-like flowers, followed by pretty pink capsules, as shown here. Soon, it will be a riot of fuchsia and blue berries – watch this space and I will report as they come out!

Cornus mas

In the same bed is another small tree, the pretty Cornus mas (cornelian cherry). Its “cherries” are just beginning to turn red now and you can see both of these small trees just next to the courtyard.

The Flame creeper (Tropaeolum speciosum) planted by my Grandfather, Sam Brabner, is looking fantastic. It is a very special twining climber, which we are extremely lucky to have. It has bright blue fruits surrounded by deep red calyces and I will be happy to show it to anyone who would like to se it!

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